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About Us

We are LOCAL 143

Here at HACLA your voice matters! Local 143 has hit the ground running with a host of improvements geard toward our members. In the past several months, our leaders have worked hard to leverage their negotiating skills. Our current board members bargained a new MOU for our local brother and sisters that ensured our healthcare coverage remains in tact and our members were able to receive a monetary bonus in addition to a 3% cost of living increase for the next 3 years. Our new board has hosted a picnic for members and is planning a holiday party to give back to our members.

Brothers and Sisters our efforts are not going unnoticed! As HACLA staff, working to sustain the community of Los Angeles City, our board has stepped up to recognize the men and women serving selflessly. At just over 300 members we are providing a vital service that makes housing happen!

AFSCME is the union that honors solidarity without conformity, drawing each member’s story into a force of experience and commitment that can’t be ignored. That’s how we win better lives for ourselves, our families, and our communities. For people proudly committed to public service, we never quit.

We are LOCAL 143, join us.