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Congratulations Jackie Goldberg

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On May 11th 2019 Gary Hodge, Luis DelCid, Andy Jung, and  Harry Wong attended a fund raiser for Jackie Goldberg to endorse and support her as labor’s candidate to the LAUSD School Board. 

 This intimate event was held  at Los Angeles County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl’s home, with the support of fellow Supervisors Janice Hahn, Hilda Solis, and Kathryn Barger.

 A $500.00 contribution was unanimously approved by your E-Board for her LAUSD election campaign.  This contribution came from our PAC Fund.

 Local119 will continue to forge this relationship with Jackie and her office given that she will be she representing schools that are in our members' towns and cities, and is committed to working closely with the County.

 On May 14th Jackie Goldberg got voted in to LAUSD Board by an overwhelming popular margin.  Congratulations Jacki Goldberg from Local 119.