About Us
About Council 36
Los Angeles-based AFSCME District Council 36 serves more than 68 autonomous Local Unions with five regional offices across the Southland. Our nearly 30,000 members perform a diverse array of roles in local government, legal aid and nonprofit social service organizations, yet all share a common pride and dedication to public service. An affiliate of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) International Union in Washington D.C., “Council 36” was chartered in 1969. Learn more about Council 36’s history, struggles and victories.

What We Stand For
Council 36 advocates, and if necessary, agitates, for workers’ rights and freedoms. As economic gaps between the haves and have-nots reach extremes in America, we are committed to sustaining the middle class and promoting equitability, opportunity and prosperity both in the workplace and in our communities.