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What is a union?

A union is an organization formed by workers who band together to have a voice in their workplace. Through their union, workers have the ability to negotiate from a position of strength with employers over wages, benefits, hours and working conditions. Unions help to ensure that employers act fairly.


By forming unions, employees can work collectively to improve working conditions and job safety, to resolve their grievances and to increase professionalism all around. Unions may also use their power to improve labor conditions, protect the middle class, shrink wealth gaps to balance the economy, assure equal access to public services and pursue other goals through legislative action.


  • HIGHER WAGES - Workers who are union members earn 26.2 percent more than non-union workers. The difference is even greater for women and people of color. Women and African Americans represented by unions earn between 29.7 and 33.1 percent more than their non-union counterparts. And Latino workers with the union advantage make 47.1 percent more than those not represented by a union.
  • BETTER BENEFITS - Union workers are more likely than their non-union counterparts to have access to health care and pension benefits. Ninety-five percent of union members have health insurance and a pension plan available — versus approximately 68 percent (health insurance) and 63 percent (pension) of those not in a union.

We fight for and secure the best wages, benefits and working conditions for our members. Since so much of public service workers’ rights, benefits and funding are impacted by the actions of elected officials, we maintain a strong presence in the corridors of government, fighting to protect our members and holding politicians accountable for their actions. We stand ready to do the same for you and your colleagues.


Internal organizing is the key to maintaing a strong Union. Internal organizing is important for building the membership, negotiating fair contracts, settling grievances and workplace issues, and lobbying.


External organizing involves you and your co-workers coming together to make your workplace better. We assist workers, who do not have collective bargaining rights, with creating and executing a plan to form a union. 

Want a better wage, benefits, and healthcare? - join a union today!

  • Do you want to build a better and more secure economic future for you and your family?
  • Are you hurting from a lack of quality, affordable healthcare coverage?
  • Have you ever been unfairly disciplined by your supervisor or forced to accept a demotion, suspension or other punishment you didn’t deserve?

If you answered yes to any of these questions it’s time to consider forming a union with AFSCME Council 36. With more than 1.6 million active and retired members nationwide, AFSCME is the strongest and most respected public services union in the country.

Get in touch with us to have a preliminary conversation and to learn more. All conversations are strictly confidential and you will not be pressured to move forward until you are ready.