AFSCME Virtual Convention: Day 1 & 2 Recap

Day 1
Black Lives Matter and the COVID-19 pandemic were common topics discussed on the first day of AFSCME’s 44th International Convention. Day one began with Dr. Reverend William J. Barber talking about some of the issues that the country is currently facing. He spoke about how essential and frontline workers are extremely important to this country, especially during this pandemic, and how AFSCME is continuing to fight to protect these members. “We call them essential but treat them like they’re expendable,” said Dr. Reverend Barber while discussing the impact the pandemic has had on essential workers. He also discussed the current Black Lives Matter movement, and how social justice has always intersected with the Labor Movement.
President Lee Saunders’ keynote speech included similar themes as Dr. Reverend Barber. He spoke about how a lot of AFSCME members are continuing to serve their communities during this pandemic, and how this pandemic has only made AFSCME even stronger. “When things are at their worst, we are at our best,” says Pres. Saunders. “You are frontline heroes and AFSCME is even stronger.”
During day one, we got to see a recap of some of the successes that AFSCME has achieved since the previous convention. At the 2018 convention, Janus v. AFSCME was fresh on everyone’s mind. It was a landmark Supreme Court decision that was supposed to tear Unions down. Yet, many members decided to stick with their unions, and AFSCME has only become stronger. In June 2019, Nevada state workers gained collective bargaining rights, and just a few weeks ago, California childcare workers voted to unionize. There are so many more stories like these from across the country.
We also got a chance to hear some member stories from different councils and affiliates. A nurse, who is a member of UNAC/UHCP spoke about how her and her coworkers were told not to wear masks at the beginning of the pandemic, because masks would frighten the patients. We also heard from a sanitation driver who described picking up more trash than ever and how it has cause more wear and tear on his body.
Lastly, the convention delegates got down to Union business. Several resolutions and amendments were presented to the more than 2,000 convention delegates. The resolutions covered a variety of topics from calling on AFSCME to continue fighting for racial justice to requesting that AFSCME continues putting resources into organizing new locals.
Below are some videos shown on day one:
President Lee Saunders' Keynote Speech
Day 2
Day two of the International convention was shorter than day 1, but the delegates were still able to accomplish a lot. We heard from Elissa McBride as she discussed how AFSCME and its affiliates have strenthened their organizing strategies. She spoke about strengthening the Volunteer Member Organizer (VMO) program and how VMOs have been crucial to many organizing campaigns. We heard from three VMOs as they spoke about what made them compelled to become VMOs. "I saw the situation [that the workers were in], and I said who is going to stand up for them? Who is going to speak up for them?," said Nicanora Montenegro, a home care provider and UDW member.
Some of the other highlights of the day included learning more about Guy Bryant, who is the winner of AFSCME's Never Quit Award. We also got an opportunity to hear from Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden. He highlighted the importance the working families and how politicians need to do more to protect middle class families. He ensured AFSCME delegates that if elected he will work to make sure Union families receive the protections they need and deserve.
One of the last orders of business was nominations for AFSCME President and Secretary-Treasurer. Lee Saunders was re-elected president of AFSCME International and Elissa McBride was re-elected Secretary-Treasurer of AFSCME International. Elections for International Vice Presidents will happen over the next few weeks. We will learn the results on Sept. 2 when the convention reconvenes.
Video clips from day 2:
Never Quit Award Winner - Guy Bryant
Democratic Presidential Nominee Joe Biden