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Support JVS Members' Fight For a Fair Contract

Daisha Benjamin
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We're requesting your support for 90 workers employed in two separate bargaining units at JVS SoCal (formerly Jewish Vocational Services) represented by AFSCME Local 800. This includes the case managers, job developers and clerical staff working in the LA County GAIN Program. Negotiations have been ongoing for over a year and JVS SoCal is taking the most hostile and anti-working family positions that our union has ever experienced with them or any other entity. In fact, JVS SoCal's negotiations are chaired by an explicitly anti-union lawyer, David Wimmer, who is the Chair of the Labor Lawyers Advisory Committee at the Council for Union-Free Environment.

JVS SoCal claims that it is "providing hope and economic opportunity for all" while management has proposed to:

  • deny workers a fair wage increase comparable to the LA County Living Wage Ordinance annual increase; (Average pay for Prof. Case Managers is $36k/yr)

  • eliminate basic benefits like severance pay in case of layoffs and

  • restrict employee rights to pursue statutory legal claims such as discrimination or sexual harassment through State and Federal agencies and the courts.

While in the past six months, JVS SoCal has received over $1mil in grants, donations, and contracts, it's been over 2 years since many JVS SoCal employees have received a pay raise and management is using the pandemic to justify cutbacks to worker rights and benefits.

We need you to urge the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors to demand JVS to agree to a FAIR CONTRACT! Now more than ever, union members who are supporting out-of-work people in Los Angeles County obtain sustainable employment need a contract that values their important work! Please send an email and spread the word.

Additionally, you can read a letter of support from Los Angeles County Labor Federation President Ron Herrera here