AFSCME Local 127 wins massive raises in historic contract

This week, members of AFSCME Local 127 ratified a historic three-year contract with the City of San Diego, making it one of the biggest union contracts in California history. The contract was ratified with 99 percent of voting members choosing to accept the tentative agreement.
The seven-month negotiations process was thoughtfully planned out by the union’s bargaining team. The bargaining team worked with various department managers and elected officials to reach an agreement that invests in City of San Diego employees and addresses long-standing issues that are imperative to union members.
“In my history of working for the City of San Diego for more than 27 years, I have never heard of or seen such a large contract being given to the hard working, dedicated employees of the City of San Diego,” said AFSCME Local 127 President Tim Douglass. “This contract is a start in the right direction for the employees and I will not stop fighting for every one of our AFSCME Local 127 members.”
The new contract includes a 21 percent wage increase over three years. It also includes a 6-10 percent special salary adjustment that will impact more than 1,200 members in the bargaining unit. Additionally, members will receive a 15 percent increase in flex benefits over three years. The contract also addresses outsourcing by narrowing the scope for which outsourcing is allowed and requiring more accountability before and during outsourcing.
For years, the City struggled with recruiting and retaining employees due to non-competitive wages. In a recent statement, San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria recognized the positive affect that this contract will have on the City. “This agreement is another step to reverse years of underinvestment in our employees that resulted in unfilled positions and delayed or diminished services for our residents. Fair and competitive pay will ensure we have the workers to provide the level of service San Diegans expect and deserve,” said Gloria. As a result of these hard-won pay increases, the 23 percent vacancy rate among classifications represented by Local 127 will finally be addressed, which will be a huge weight lifted off current members who have had to bear the extra workload.
This session was a huge success for AFSCME Local 127 members. Not only did they ratify an incredible contract, but they also signed up 70 new members, which will help them continue to build power for an even better future. Their hard work throughout the years finally paid off. “The fact that we changed the lives of so many of Local 127 members, allowing them to be able to provide for themselves and their families, makes me extremely proud,” said Douglass.