2019: A Year in Review

In a year that was supposed to be tough for Unions, AFSCME District Council 36 was able to persevere and achieve so much.
We bargained, organized, and protested so that our members were able to get the fair contracts they deserve. Our members with the Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts finally reached an agreement after a two-year battle. This was the case with many of our Locals who were negotiating for a new contract.
Local 2556 held firm for a new contract with the Orange County Sanitation District. Local 143 members with the Los Angeles City Housing Authority secured a 3-year contract with a nine percent wage increase, no takeaways and an enhanced paid-leave policy. Local 1117 members saw significant increases to their medical benefits, while our Local 1895 members received a one-year contract with a five percent cost of living adjustment. Newly organized Local 148 members were able to negotiate a contract in 3 months, which is truly an impressive feat.
Our members not only saw victories within their Locals, but also in their communities. Our Local 3915 members went door-to-door to inform their neighbors in Glendora about Measure E, which ensured that vital city services would be maintained. Our efforts were successful with 53.67 percent of electors voting in favor of Measure E. Our Local 1920 members saw similar results with the passing of Measure PS in Lynwood, which removed the Penny Tax sunset and ensured that millions of dollars would stay in the city.
Our Compton Locals saw their own political success with the election of Councilwoman Michelle Chambers and the re-election of Emma Sharif; both have positively changed the work atmosphere for city employees who were facing layoffs. Additionally, some of our members were able to attend a Public Service Presidential Forum in Las Vegas, where they interacted with presidential candidates such as Sen. Cory Booker, Sen. Kamala Harris, Sen. Bernie Sanders, and many more.
These successes and opportunities would not be possible without our members, so in a post Janus v AFSCME year we turned our focus to organizing. We held an internal organizing blitz for Local 3090 where we were able to sign up hundreds of new members. We welcomed two new units to the AFSCME family. The Museum of Contemporary Art and Public Counsel were both able to successfully organize and are moving on to the next step in their journey. The members of Asian Americans Advancing Justice were able to re-open negotiations after organizers were unjustly laid off, and our fight for the Marciano Art Foundation workers that were laid off will continue into the new year.
This year has been a big year Council 36 and I know that in 2020 we will only add to the accomplishments of 2019. #UnionStrong