AFSCME Local 20 Vice President: "Thank You AFSCME DC 36"

I am writing to express our excitement and gratitude for the support and dedication that AFSCME has shown to me and my fellow workers at the City of Upland. It has been a long rough process to finally break away from our previous Association. We wanted a voice, transparency and accountability. It was a tough battle that began back in February 2023, we went through hell! Being called disgruntled, rogue employees, crybabies by our previous executive board and president. Endless emails and false accusations of high dues and no legal representation if we went with AFSCME. We only paid $20 a month to the Association. I am a true believer in, “you get what you pay for”! We followed the rules to decertify the Association, and the City refused to conduct an election. AFSCME empowered us and we went to the City Council meeting and the City said “we support our employees” while refusing to follow their own rules.
We had been without a contract for over a year and when AFSCME filed a Representation Petition, both the Association and the City suddenly came to an agreement. We were forced into a 5-year contract, with some concessions, even though there was not a deficit, with hopes that we would forget about trying to break away from the Association. AFSCME Representative Luis Schmidt never gave up and stayed positive through the process and stayed with us until the end, saying, “we will hold the Cit accountable”.
AFSCME filed an Unfair Labor Practice with PERB and PERB ruled to support employees’ rights to seek representation. To delay the election the Association and the City appealed the decision. AFSCME was relentless and stuck by us. The appeal was denied and PERB ordered the City to conduct an election. Finally on October 24, 2024, we were able to express our right to vote. The people spoke and AFSCME won the election conducted by PERB. It is because people like Luis and AFSCME DC 36 that we will be able to stand strong together and advocate for fairness. We also thank AFSCME Local 3061, the City of Ontario, who stayed supportive and for the yummy tacos they made for our first meeting.
I feel honored and privileged to be part of such a supportive Union! We held our election of officers, we approved our constitution, and we are all excited to move forward and finally feel we will finally be heard! We are AFSCME Local 20, City of Upland California.
In unity,
Jose Reyes, Vice President
AFSCME Local 20