Lynwood Keeps Penny Tax Indefinitely
Three years ago, the City of Lynwood passed a one cent sales tax bill known as the Penny Tax. The initial bill included a 10-year sunset, but last night, 75.16 percent of Lynwood voters passed Measure PS which will extend the tax bill indefinitely.
Since 2016, the City of Lynwood has been able to generate yearly revenues of around $5 million for infrastructure, public safety programs, and a “rainy day” fund. Attributable to the increase in funds, AFSCME Local 1920 members were able to negotiate a 3-year contract that included an eight percent cost of living adjustment, and a five percent signing bonus, instead of massive pay cuts and layoffs.
Now that there is no longer a sunset provision, the Penny Tax will continue to fund vital city services, such as police & fire, parks & recreation programs, and gang prevention programs.
AFSCME District Council 36 and Local 1920 members worked diligently to spread the message to voters by knocking on doors, making phone calls, and mailing notices. “I’m humbled by the hard work that went into assuring resources meant for the citizens of the City of Lynwood stay in the City of Lynwood,” says Local 1920 representative Bob Adams. “Now our AFSCME employees can continue to provide vital public service to the great citizens of which we serve.”
This is just one of many victories this year for AFSCME District Council 36 and our members.