Message from Newly Elected President Lisa Palombi

Dear Union Family,
At our 27th Biennial Convention this past weekend, we elected the 2021-2023 Executive Board. Congratulations to this new set of leaders!
It has been a challenging year for District Council 36, between the global pandemic and a move into new headquarters. The outgoing Executive Board did an incredible amount of work to provide members a beautiful, new space to help AFSCME grow. And the convention committee, its volunteers, and staff, produced an event that pulled us all together, after being apart for far too long.
As we enter this next two-year period, the Council has a lot more to do. But who exactly is the Council? The Council is you! Each rank-and-file member, member leader, steward, officer, and Council 36 staff, plays a role in making our Union stronger. As we serve our communities and team up with partner organizations, we grow the AFSCME family. Every Union member knows there is strength in numbers, and all of us have a chance to help our District Council build back better.
We can all play a part in showing our Union pride. Your first chance to do this is soon! Join us for a march for the future of health care. Our siblings at UNAC/UHCP are hosting a march on October 30, 2021 at 12PM at Pasadena Memorial Park, located at 85 E Holly St. Pasadena, CA 91103. You can register at Wear your AFSCME green, including your union face mask. I look forward to seeing you there, marching in solidarity with UNAC/UHCP and other local unions.
In solidarity,
Lisa Palombi
President, AFSCME District Council 36