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Want to be a Delegate?

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Are you interested in attending the 2020 Democratic National Convention or Republican National Convention?  AFSCME can help you run for delegate!

In July, the Democratic Party will gather in Milwaukee to choose a presidential candidate and you could be there!  Delegates to the convention come from every corner of the country and 494 delegates will be elected to represent California.  AFSCME will be training members on the delegate selection process, and providing tips and insights on how to maximize your chance to become a delegate.

AFSCME wants YOU to serve as a California delegate.  Why?  You could end up picking the party’s nominee for President!  It’s also an opportunity to ensure the values and priorities of our union are included in the party platform you will help draft as a delegate. 

Are you interested in learning more about how to run?

Click here for more information about upcoming AFSCME delegate trainings. If you are interested in being a delegate for the Republican National Convetion or if you have any other questions, you can contact AFSCME Political Action Representative for California Jason Haenel at or (202) 256-4209.

In Solidarity!